
《森林開業中》 植福。大樹成林

根據美國耶魯大學研究團隊表示,人類一年砍伐的樹木約 150 億棵,但平均卻只種回 5 億棵。地球氣候調節器正緩慢的落拍,間接影響了氣候正常運作;加上城市耗能,急遽上升的熱島效應,北極冰山的不斷融化,這幾年不是暖冬就是過度寒冷、亦或夏天颳起颶風暴雨、水患成災…..當環境保育刻不容緩,地球上沒有人是局外人。






建築質感 –在城市的建築裡種樹,可有效阻隔噪音、降低外界擾人音貝。並且緩減風雨,讓在此生活的人獲得相對應的舒適;阻擋太陽直射建築的綠化植披有效讓室內降溫,並讓空調設備減少運轉。讓建築也為環境貢獻一份心力。


面對 2030 年全球有志一同的減碳中期目標,以及 2050 年淨零碳排的遠程目標。陞霖地產在「永續經營」的路上前進,並以 ESG (環境保護 Environmental、社會責任 Social、公司治理 Governance)作為公司未來規劃。我們在營造建築的同時,自許為城市種下一座座森林;讓信念的種子茁壯、開枝散葉出更好的生活環境,為地球、為城市、為你我,勾勒出理想世界的藍圖。

< Sheng Lin Operating > Plant Blessings.
Nurture A Healthy Forest.

According to the research team of Yale University, humans cut down about 15 billion trees yearly, but on average only about 500 million trees are replanted. The earth's climate regulator is slowly weakening, which indirectly affects the normal operation of the climate. Additionally, with the energy consumption of the cities, we were experiencing some bizarre weather changes. The rapidly rising heat island effect, and the continuous melting of icebergs lead to hurricanes in summer, heavy rains, floods and such chaos. Environmental protection is inevitable.

Natural Symbiosis in Life.

We yearn for nature, the fresh oxygen and anion produced by plants can awaken the dopamine in our brains, relax the autonomic nerves, relieve stress, offer peaceful mind, and help achieving a regular metabolic cycle. When there is green in life, you can feel the beauty of the earth through every senses. The benefits of staying close to nature are indicators of positive feedback to individual and the earth.

Planting Trees Is Planting a Field of Blessing.

We plant greens to the city in hope to better serve the public.

When Breathing Matters.

Trees can carry out photosynthesis, which can absorb carbon dioxide and convert oxygen to make fresh air and alter air flow. Leaves are able to capture suspended particles, filter dust, and produce clean air. The phytoncide released by forest trees can kill bacteria and pathogens in the air.

Environmental Aesthetic.

Green is the most neutral color of the environment and most comforting to the eyes. In addition, landscaping can also conserve water and soil, tree roots can consolidate the soil, and fallen leaves can protect the topsoil thus biodiversity under the soil can multiply accordingly. Furthermore, tree can attract organisms such as butterflies, birds, and squirrels to form a forest ecosystem in the city and moreover contribute to natural conservation.

Quality Architecture.

Planting trees in urban buildings can reduce noises profoundly, so that residents can obtain corresponding comfort, the greenery drape that blocks the direct sunlight of the building can effectively cool down the indoor temperature and decrease the operation of air-conditioning equipment to achieve building efficiency.

Forest Coexisting.

Facing the global goal of carbon neutral in 2030, and the long-term goal of net zero carbon emission in 2050. Sheng Lin Real Estate is advancing on the road of "sustainable operation" and utilizes ESG (Environmental Protection, Social Responsibility, and Governance) as the company's future plan. While constructing on buildings, we promise to plant greens for the city and let our belief grow stronger and create a better living environment. We outline a blueprint for an ideal world for the earth, for the city, and for you and me.