
《森林開業中》Go Green。近未來

未來趨勢 – 永續發展 

「我們不會有備案,因為我們沒有第二個地球。」前任聯合國秘書長 潘基文嚴肅說著。其實地球人都知道氣候變遷早已發生,因此在1987年聯合國世界環境與發展委員會(World Commission on Environment and Development, WCED)認為永續發展刻不容緩,也界定了永續發展的意涵:「滿足當代需求的同時,不損及後代子孫滿足其自身需求的發展途徑」。

永續發展核心 – 自然共生 

因此生活環境對我們來說格外重要。自然與土地相互依存,建築融於環境創造自然,人處在自然環境裡,身心靈皆得到舒展療癒。城市建築的綠覆率(建築基地綠化程度)更是重要指標。根據聯合國基準,最宜居城市綠覆率須達70%,綠建築既能讓城市綠覆率得到提升,其所產生的價值也昇華了生活品質,是未來的趨勢。從相關數據可知新北市取得綠建築標章的住宅大樓價格,比沒有取得綠建築標章的住宅大樓增值性更高。 (資料來源: 陳奉瑤、梁仁旭,2018,「綠建築標章之溢價率分析—以新北市住宅大樓為例」,台灣土地研究,21(1):P61–85。)



(資料來源: 台灣綠建築發展協會http://www.taiwangbc.org.tw/tw/modules/news/article.php?storyid=82 )

陞霖的綠Go Green 

未來已來,你來不來? 陞霖地產最新建築規劃,正逐步邁向未來趨勢。我們將生活與自然結合,讓建築與環境共榮,在滿足當代需求的當下,不損及後代利益;守護好環境,就是守護我們的未來!這是陞霖持續在做的事,邁向2023、邁向Go Green !

SHENGLIN Operation- Go Green; A Not-Too-Distant Future.

Sustainability Is the Trend

We are constantly reminded the importance of upholding a sustainable future. As former UN Secretary Ki-Moon Ban urged us the importance of conserving. " There can be no Plan B because there is no Planet B." In fact, we have all witnessed how Climate Change continuously impact us throughout the past decades. Therefore, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) strongly stated that sustainable development is urgent, and had also define the meaning back in 1987 as "to fulfill needs without compromising the future generations”.

The Core of Sustainable Development – Natural Symbiosis

Improving our living environment has always been the priority. Nature and land are inseparable, in which architecture is integrated with the environment to form nature in order to cleanse one’s body, mind and soul. One of the most important indicators is the coverage rate of urban buildings (building base greenery rate). According to the United Nations benchmark, the rate must reach 70% to qualify as a livable city. Green buildings not only improve the urban green coverage rate, but also sublimate the quality of life. According to relevant data, the price of residential buildings with green labels in New Taipei City is higher than without. (Source: Feng-Yao Chen, Ren-Xu Liang, 2018, "Analysis of the Premium Rate of Green Building Labels—A Case Study of Residential Buildings in New Taipei City", Taiwan Land Research, 21 (1): P61–85.)

Green Building Leads A Sustainable Life

Green buildings allow architecture to approach our daily needs and deepens the purpose. Although every country has its own term on green building, the goal remains the same. For example: Japan-Environmental Symbiosis Building, Europe-Ecological Building/ Sustainable Building, lastly US and Canada- Green Building with LEED certified. Green buildings are defined in the monograph as "an architectural design based on human health and comfort, pursuing symbiosis and co-exist with the environment thus achieving sustainable development."(Source: 台灣綠建築發展協會-何謂綠建築)

Shenglin: Go Green

The future is now. Our latest project at Shenglin is gradually moving towards the future as we combine nature with architecture, and fulfill the needs of the present without compromising the future generations, protecting the environment is our upmost value and we will continue the spirit to uphold our belief to a sustainable future. Go Green, Go 2023.