
【森友會】夥伴們 吃喝玩樂集合啦!

以森會友! 美好陞活,與霖同享! 秉持著<與林共好、與霖共榮、與您共享> 的品牌精神,在上一篇介紹森友會成立初衷,這次我們一一介紹森友會動物們登場!


我們以森動活潑的方式、充滿森活味的特約商家規劃,尋找與陞霖志同道合的夥伴: 如有著永續環保愛地球理念、對生活有熱忱、對社會有貢獻的開業者、文創、小農、或網路聲量極高的潛力股店家….等等,這些從未和其他建設公司簽約的店家們,讓我們享有獨家優惠! 特約規劃也更貼近住戶的理想生活!「森友會」將會陸續透過六位夥伴的故事,一一帶出同屬性的特色店家、或配合節慶和社區主題性活動共伴亮相!



Ecostar Assemble!

After introducing our brand spirit of the Ecostar club in the previous article, now it is time to introduce our club ambassadors. Oliver, Sabrina, Blaise, Tracy, Barnett, and Slavs are our dearest associates, they each represent a different category and have their unique personalities, and are here to guide you as you scroll for more content.
In our exclusive partnership with merchants, they generously accepted our approach and worked with us to provide members-only promotions. We are constantly exploring stores like local farmers and culture and creative industries that share our vision, who have strong connections to sustainability, are passionate about life, and willing to contribute to society.
At the Ecostar club, we will continue the stories of our ambassadors and celebrate holiday spirit with the community, stay tuned for more information.